Advantages of Catholic Education to Support Your Daughter's Future

St. Agnes Academy
Parents have long known about the advantages of Catholic education. St. Agnes, an all-girls Catholic high school in Houston, demonstrates these benefits. Learn how we provide students with the tools to succeed.
The average graduation rate for public high school students in the United States is currently estimated to be 87%. While this figure has steadily increased over the last several years, many parents still wonder if there is a better alternative to traditional public schooling for their rising high schoolers.

For many parents, Catholic schooling emerges as an attractive option because of the comparatively high rates of student success and satisfaction.

With an average graduation rate of 99%, Catholic schools are known for providing students and their families with the academic rigor, resources, and opportunities they need to thrive in their future academic, personal, and professional pursuits.

St. Agnes Academy prides itself on delivering top-tier academic support to young women from Houston and the surrounding areas. Let’s examine some of the advantages of Catholic education and discuss how these benefits take centerstage at St. Agnes.

Are There Documented Advantages of Catholic Education?

High school graduation rates have only been measured in the United States since the 2010-2011 school year. However, the impact of a person’s schooling can often be readily apparent in other aspects of their lives.

People’s levels of professional and personal success can often be linked to their educational history, so it’s important for parents to do their due diligence when choosing which educational setting is the best fit for their child.

Catholic high school graduates consistently demonstrate high levels of academic achievement and advance to achieve high levels of personal and professional success.

Let’s take a deeper dive into the major advantages associated with Catholic schooling and how the benefits of a Catholic school education can help lay a positive framework for future success.

Catholic Schooling Fosters Equitable Academic Excellence 

Catholic schools like St. Agnes are dedicated to providing students with the tools and knowledge they need to achieve their present and future academic goals.

St. Agnes offers a rigorous academic curriculum designed to equip students with the academic foundation they need to perform well in future educational environments. With an average student/teacher ratio of 10:1, the faculty at St. Agnes Academy is able to provide students of all backgrounds and abilities with the individualized support they need to thrive. 

One of the many things that sets Catholic schooling apart from other educational approaches is its ability to consistently deliver positive outcomes for pupils of different socio-economic, racial, and ethnic backgrounds.

  • Minority students account for almost 20% of the Catholic school population, and the overall achievement gap for minority students is significantly lower than the gap demonstrated in public schools.

Catholic Schooling Centers on Spirituality 

One of the most widely recognized features of Catholic education is its faith-based nature. St. Agnes, for example, is rooted in the Catholic, Dominican tradition, and those values permeate every facet of campus life for students and staff alike.

St. Agnes integrates theology courses into its core curriculum to provide its students with a foundational understanding of faith values and strong morals that will continue to serve them throughout the rest of their lives – regardless of whether or not they come from a Catholic family background.

By integrating Catholic values into the classroom and extracurricular activities, St. Agnes helps students learn that God plays a central role in every part of their daily lives and that His influence is not confined to the four walls of a church or school.

Our holistic approach to spirituality leads to Catholic school graduates demonstrating higher levels of civic engagement and being involved within spiritual communities as adults. Former Catholic school students are more likely to pray daily, attend church regularly, and retain a Catholic identity once they reach adulthood.

Catholic Schooling Empowers Women 

Single-gender educational environments, like those offered by many Catholic academic institutions, provide students with more tailored, empowering educational experiences when they attend Catholic school.

Since its founding, St. Agnes has been an all-female private school that has dedicated itself to fostering the healthy development of young women from all walks of life. All-girls schools like St. Agnes Academy provide students with supportive learning environments that are less susceptible to many of the distractions encountered by public school students. 

Additionally, research shows that women attending Catholic all-girls schools are more likely to meet relevant academic standards, pursue careers in STEM fields, and confidently assert themselves in leadership positions.

This outcome can be tied to students at all-girls schools learning to recognize their unique strengths. They are given more consistent opportunities to observe and learn from positive female role models, encouraging students to achieve their greatest potential.

Learn More About St. Agnes Academy

Parents who send their children to Catholic school often see them grow and thrive in new and exciting ways. With the right combination of individualized attention, faith-centered opportunities, and effective support systems, young women can aim high, achieve their goals, and lay the framework for fulfilling and successful futures.

By encouraging students to play to their strengths while working towards the common good, Catholic schools help produce well-rounded, socially conscious members of society who will influence their communities for years to come. 

If you are considering sending your daughter to a private school and are interested in learning more about the curriculum and campus culture at St. Agnes, visit our website for more information.

You can also contact us today to speak with a member of our admissions team. We’ll provide you with personalized information about the advantages of Catholic education at St. Agnes.