Supporting Your Transition to High School as a New Student

St. Agnes Academy
Are you concerned about the transition to high school as a new student? Read how we support new students starting their journey at St. Agnes.
Written by Alexandra Wong ‘26

As you enter high school as a new student, it is normal to have nerves. The adjustment from middle school to high school is understandably daunting. Will I make friends? What does a “high schooler” schedule even look like? What if my classes are too hard? How do I manage my social life and academics? What if the change from middle school is just too much?

These are all questions you may be asking yourself. Do not fret! Fortunately, St. Agnes is dedicated to guiding new students through a successful transition to high school through our Student Support Services.

Learn how our school staff is committed to providing students with the opportunities and resources needed to foster student growth, resiliency-building, and a positive academic experience.

Student Support Team Supports the Transition to High School

At St. Agnes Academy, our Student Support resources include the Wellness Counseling Department and the Student Success Center. Their combined resources give students a comprehensive support system and ample opportunities to find success throughout their high school career, especially as a new student.

We are dedicated to supporting our students through their personal and academic development and engaging our parent community in their journey. With equity centering our work, Student Support Services strives to prepare St. Agnes’ students with all they need – academic resources, best practices, and opportunities for personal growth – to lead a successful high school career as a Dominican, Academy woman.

The Wellness Center

Our Wellness Center’s mission is to create a safe, nonjudgemental community for St. Agnes students. In doing so, we hope to support new students as they start their first year of high school.

The Wellness Center also works to promote the importance of self-care and balance through a variety of programming. They are responsible for the academic advising of Freshman and Sophomore classes who are starting high school.

1. Freshman Seminar

Newly implemented in the previous year, Freshman Seminar is a one-semester, standalone course specifically designed to guide St. Agnes freshmen through a successful transition from middle school to high school.

The course is taught by the Wellness staff and works to help students develop the mindset and skills needed to succeed academically, socially, and emotionally in their four upcoming years at St. Agnes.

The course works to develop academic readiness and social and emotional well-being, orient students to high school, and foster personal growth over the semester through open communication and new high school experiences.

2. Wellness Workshops

Throughout the year, the Wellness Department organizes small group workshops for St. Agnes students.

The department carefully designs workshops based on relevant or common themes to provide St. Agnes students with a more holistic foundation for their high school careers and opportunities to build the more specific but essential skills for a well-rounded academic, social, and emotional life.

Past workshop topics have covered self-defense, trust, and friendship, practicing body acceptance, and anxiety coping skills.

3. Day-to-Day

On a day-to-day basis, students may meet with their Wellness Counselor as needed. Each grade level is assigned to one of our talented Wellness staff members their freshman year who are available to meet concerning stress management, relationship issues, academic performance, self-esteem and confidence, balancing extracurricular activities, addressing peer pressure, etc.

In addition, the Wellness Department provides a quiet and calming space in the Wellness Center for students throughout the day to find a respite during their high school schedule.

4. Wellness Parent Lunch and Learns

In addition to supporting students directly in their high school years, the Wellness Department also provides resources for parents. The department hosts a variety of speakers – both in-person and on an informal Zoom platform – to speak on relevant topics like mental health and adolescent development.

Student Success Center

The Student Success Center is comprised of trained specialists who provide St. Agnes students with the opportunities and resources to succeed academically.

Specialists provide group and personalized coaching opportunities for students to learn new study techniques, time management, organizational strategies, and goal planning for their coursework and goals. They also work in tandem with teachers and counselors to ensure academic success for all students.

1. Pop-Up Programming

The Student Success Center hosts a variety of “pop-ups” throughout the academic year with specialized focuses on the current academic needs of the student population.

In the past, the Student Success Center has organized a three-session “Sophomore Study Skills – Crush That Test” series to address study strategies for English, History, and Humanities classes, implement study strategies for math and science classes, and evaluate the hurdles that come in the way of studying.

Most recently, the Success Center hosted a “Planner Pop-Up,” where they provided individualized suggestions on how to manage time and plan students’ schedules accordingly.

2. Accommodations

The Student Success Center also handles accommodations students with documented learning differences may need. These include extended time on assessments, the option to test in the testing center in a quieter space free from classroom distractions, preferential seating, a note partner, and no Scantron for exams and tests.

3. Skills Addressed

The Student Success Center helps students develop key skills necessary for their academic success in high school. They include the following:

  • Executive functioning skills, such as organization and planning.
  • Time management skills, such as task prioritization and how to deal with procrastination.
  • Study skills, life skills, and social skills.
  • Test-taking strategies, such as time management during an exam and test anxiety reduction techniques.
  • Academic planning, such as creating schedules and identifying external resources for academic support.

It’s Time for High School!

The scariness of shifting to high school is a fear we all experience. The move from middle school to high school includes having to readjust to a new community, new school curriculum, new high school teachers, and a new routine. It can be uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the combined opportunities of the Wellness Center and the Student Success Center at St. Agnes are sure to support new students through their transition to high school.

Though as middle school students, the weight of high school and all that comes with these next four years may seem intimidating, St. Agnes will provide you with the means necessary to succeed during your high school years.

Have specific questions before you step on campus at St. Agnes? Have your parents get in touch with our Student Support team today!