Graduation Traditions at St. Agnes that We Celebrate

St. Agnes Academy
Ever year, we celebrate our graduating seniors with an amazing graduation ceremony. Learn about the graduation traditions that make our all-girls, Catholic college prep school unique.
Graduation traditions have long been a part of academic life in the United States, with origins dating back to the Middle Ages. The tradition of wearing caps and gowns began in the 19th century and has become a symbol of academic achievement.

At St. Agnes Academy, we honor these timeless customs in unique ways. This tradition was on full display when we celebrated our most recent graduating class in May 2024. Learn more about how we celebrate our seniors every year.

Our Rich Legacy of Graduation Traditions

What makes our traditions unique at St. Agnes? Discover the various elements at our school.

The Significance of Caps and Gowns

During the commencement ceremony, students wear traditional caps and long gowns, symbolizing the completion of their academic journey. This practice dates back to the Middle Ages when scholars wore robes and hoods.

Today, our graduates embrace this tradition, proudly donning their caps and gowns. Seniors also wear special colored cords, which signifies their National Honor Society status.  

The Throwing of Caps

One of the most anticipated moments of any graduation ceremony is the throwing of caps into the air. This tradition, believed to have originated at military academies like the Naval Academy, symbolizes the end of one chapter and the beginning of another.

Our seniors participate in this joyous act, celebrating their achievements and looking forward to the future.

Pomp and Circumstance

The graduation ceremony at St. Agnes Academy is accompanied by the timeless strains of "Pomp and Circumstance" by Edward Elgar, composed in 1901. This piece has become synonymous with graduation ceremonies worldwide, adding a touch of grandeur to the event. 

Our graduates traditionally process into their ceremony to this recognizable tune. What an exciting moment for our students!

Celebrating the Class of 2024 Graduates

The graduating class of 2024 experienced a commencement ceremony filled with tradition and significance. Our graduates, dressed in their caps and gowns, proudly walked the stage, received their diplomas, and moved their tassels from the right to the left side, marking their transition from students to alumnae.

As they tossed their graduation caps into the air, the culmination of their hard work and dedication was celebrated by all in attendance. The ceremony was a testament to the enduring traditions of St. Agnes and the bright futures of our Academy women.

Continuing the Legacy

Graduation is not just an end but a beginning. Our graduates join a long line of accomplished alumnae who continue to make a difference in the world. Through our active alumnae network, mentorship programs, and professional networking opportunities, we ensure that our graduates remain connected to the St. Agnes community.

We are proud of our high school graduation traditions! You can read more about many of the other traditions carried on at St. Agnes Academy in Veritas Magazine.
- Join us in celebrating the rich traditions of St. Agnes Academy. From the timeless ceremony of caps and gowns to the joyous throwing of graduation caps, our traditions honor the past while embracing the future.

Apply today and become part of our all-girls Catholic high school community that values excellence, tradition, and lifelong connections.