Private School Admissions Explained for Prospective Parents

St. Agnes Academy
Want to know more about how the private school admissions process works at a school like St. Agnes? Learn how we help your daughter prepare to join our school.
Applying to private schools can be intimidating and overwhelming, but understanding the key steps and requirements can help prepare you and simplify the process.

If you are interested in a private school like St. Agnes Academy, our comprehensive guide will give you the information you need to begin and manage the private school admissions process with confidence and ease. (This month-by-month checklist may also be helpful.)

Our Recommended Steps in the Private School Admissions Process

From doing research to completing the enrollment process, learn how to complete the process to support your daughter’s high school future!

1. Research and Discover

Start your research early – ideally by the August before their enrollment year – and have your top schools selected.

  • Talk to friends, family, and neighbors about schools they may be familiar with.
  • Use online tools to find independent schools that match your geographic, grade level, and program preferences.

Most schools will begin tours and host admissions events early in the fall. Attend open houses and tours to get a feel for each school. Don’t forget to swipe through their social media, which often gives you great insight into what day-to-day life looks like on their campus.

2. Be Ready for the Admissions Process

You will want to spend some time looking through each school’s website. Schools often post their admissions overviews, important dates, tuition rates, and admissions criteria in an easy-to-find location. Complete any inquiry forms they may provide to express interest and start building relationships with admissions teams.

This step can provide valuable, more detailed information about each school’s specific requirements and application deadlines, and give you access to exclusive school emails or newsletters.

The sooner you can begin conversations with the school, the sooner you are able to establish a relationship with the admissions team, giving you an advantage over other prospective families who may not be completing inquiry forms.

3. Plan a Visit

During the months of September and October, you can request and schedule school visits and tours, and attend open houses, school fairs, and other admissions events.

Use this time to go on group tours, schedule private tours, and ask all the questions you may have about the school. You can even ask if the school offers 8th-grade class visits (which generally happen in the spring).

These middle school visits allow students to spend a day on campus shadowing a student, giving them first-hand experience of student life.

4. Understand the Private School Application Components

The application process typically begins with an online form and a student essay. Before starting your online applications, remember that most schools require transcripts and teacher recommendations.

Middle and high school applicants often need recommendations from their current math and English teachers, as well as personal recommendations. Be sure to note deadlines and request these early to give teachers ample time to provide thoughtful assessments.

Typically, applications and all accompanying documents for prospective students are due in December or January, so beginning the application in November is a good idea.

  • Tip: Check the admissions pages of your preferred schools to note all items required to complete the application and whether they require an entrance exam.

5. Complete Standardized Testing

Students applying to grades three and higher are usually required to take standardized tests, like the ISEE or SSAT, which assesses verbal, math, and reading skills.

Some schools also consider the Character Skills Snapshot, a holistic measure of a student's attitudes and beliefs. Check the school’s website or with the admissions team for details on entrance exam dates, registration information, and guidelines.

Typically, admission test scores are due around the same time as the school’s financial aid applications.

6. Complete Financial Aid Applications

Financial aid applications are separate from the admissions application and are usually due between December 15 and January 31. Schools offer both need-based financial aid and merit-based scholarships.

Be sure to read through the tuition and fees pages of each school’s website and mark your calendars with both admissions application deadlines and financial aid application deadlines.

7. Complete Final Steps

Admissions decisions are typically announced between February and April. Make sure all documents are submitted on time, and take advantage of revisit days to finalize your decision.

Find Support from St. Agnes During the Admissions Process

By following these steps and staying organized, you can navigate the private school admissions process with confidence and find the best school for your child.

If you are unsure about any of the steps we outlined, contact an admissions team member and ask. We would love to walk you through our admissions process and get you started with the application process.