What Separates Catholic Schools in Texas for High Schoolers?

St. Agnes Academy
There are many factors to consider when evaluating Catholic schools in Texas. St. Agnes is devoted to the academic and spiritual instruction of young female leaders. Learn more.
There are many factors to consider when choosing the right academic fit for your high schooler. Selecting between public, private, and religious schools can pose a substantial enough challenge, and choosing a specific institution requires careful thought, ample research, and quiet consideration.

St. Agnes Academy understands the vital role academic institutions play in students’ developmental process. That’s why our campus culture, curriculum offerings, and extracurricular opportunities have all been carefully cultivated with our students’ diverse needs in mind.

Learn more about what sets St. Agnes Academy apart from other public, private, and Catholic schools in Texas to support your daughter throughout her academic journey.

Why Consider Catholic Schools in Texas?

When selecting the right educational environment for their student, parents must first determine whether a public or private school would best meet their child's needs.

Many reasons can drive a parent’s decision to enroll their children in private schools. There are even more reasons why parents trust Catholic private schools to provide a top-tier high school education. Consider the following characteristics of Catholic school graduates:

  • More likely to vote
  • More likely to graduate
  • More likely to attend a 4-year college or university 
  • More likely to pray daily and attend church regularly 
  • Less likely to experience incarceration 

Additionally, research shows that achievement gaps between students of different racial and socioeconomic backgrounds tend to be smaller in Catholic schools. Additionally, students of color enrolled in Catholic schools tend to demonstrate higher academic achievement than their public school counterparts.

What Can St. Agnes Academy Offer Your Child?

St. Agnes Academy is an all-girls private Catholic high school located in Houston, Texas. Since its founding in 1905, St. Agnes Academy has served as a pillar of the community, offering unparalleled academic and spiritual guidance to young women of all backgrounds and abilities. 

Rooted in the Catholic Dominican tradition, St. Agnes Academy challenges students to seek truth in all they do and devote themselves to the pursuit of excellence, integrity, and joy.

We offer diverse curriculum offerings, wellness resources, and a wide range of extracurricular opportunities and faith-centered experiences to help students discover their passions and become well-rounded members of their communities.

With a student/teacher ratio of 10:1, St. Agnes Academy is able to offer students the hands-on, individualized support they need to thrive academically, socially, and professionally. We also offer multiple Student Support departments (the Wellness Center, Counseling Department, and Academic Service Center) to provide students with additional resources to help them meet their personal and academic goals.

Perhaps most notably, St. Agnes Academy is proud of its Catholic Dominican heritage and is committed to supporting students on their faith journeys. Theology plays an integral role in our curriculum, as students are invited to build upon their theological foundation by participating in faith-centered retreats, prayer experiences, service projects, and cultural explorations. Additionally, all members of our community are invited to attend weekly Mass on Thursday mornings and participate in our school-wide Liturgical Celebrations and Feasts.

Find the Right High School Environment in Houston for Your Child

If you’ve been struggling to find the right academic fit for your daughter, St. Agnes Academy may offer the individualized, faith-based support she needs.

Reach out today to learn more about the admissions and enrollment process. A member of our team will gladly sit down with you to learn more about your daughter’s unique academic journey and discuss how our college preparatory school can help her thrive.

Make sure St. Agnes is part of your pursuit of Catholic schools in Texas that can make a true impact on your child’s future.