Why Your Child Will Benefit From An All Girl Catholic School

St. Agnes Academy
Could your child benefit from attending an all girl Catholic school? St. Agnes Academy is a single-gender Catholic school that supports young women in Houston. Learn how your daughter can thrive.
The Catholic Church runs the largest network of private schools in the United States and provides a variety of resources to students, families, and communities.

In addition to co-ed private schools, the Catholic Church also runs a number of single-gender academic institutions that provide students with a safe, nurturing environment to grow and develop. In fact, 30% of Catholic schools are single-gender and geared toward helping students thrive academically and socially.

St. Agnes Academy is one such school that offers young women in the Houston area access to a top-tier education and a vast number of additional support resources. Let’s discuss some of the documented benefits of attending an all girl Catholic school such as St. Agnes.

Why Consider an All Girl Catholic School?

The Catholic Church has consistently provided young men and women with unparalleled academic experiences that set them up for future success. If you are currently searching for the right educational fit for your high school student, there are many factors to keep in mind.

In the subsequent sections, we will explore the ways students stand to benefit from attending all girl high schools like St. Agnes.

Catholic School School Students Are High-Achievers 

Research shows that Catholic school students benefit substantially from the individualized instruction offered by private institutions. Catholic school students are more likely to graduate than their public school peers and tend to demonstrate greater academic achievement overall. This is the case for students of various backgrounds and abilities. 

Across the board, the achievement gap between students of different racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds is smaller at Catholic schools, and studies suggest that students with multiple disadvantages actually benefit the most from a Catholic school environment. 

These rates of academic success also translate into improved professional success. Catholic School graduates experience a higher lifetime earning potential than public school graduates. This outcome is likely attributable to a number of factors, including:

  • Relatively small class sizes
  • Low student/teacher ratios
  • Individualized instruction offered at Catholic academic institutions

Catholic School Families Are More Civically Engaged 

In addition to improving academic and professional performance, Catholic school attendance has been linked to increased civic engagement for students and their families.

Catholic school graduates are more likely to vote and tend to participate more regularly in acts of public service. Similarly, Catholic school students are generally more tolerant of diverse views and belief systems. Catholic school graduates are also less likely to experience incarceration than graduates from public schools. 

Interestingly, the benefits of Catholic schooling extend beyond the pupils themselves. For example, parents of students enrolled at inner-city Catholic schools report an increased willingness to participate actively in their child’s education and school community.

Furthermore, the mere presence of a Catholic private school within a community has been shown to improve social cohesion and contribute to lower crime rates in the surrounding area.

Students at All Girls Schools Are More Confident 

St. Agnes Academy is not just a Catholic school, but an all girls school. This distinction creates additional benefits for students and their families. Interestingly enough, students enrolled at all girls schools tend to exhibit higher levels of self-confidence and ambition.

At single-gender schools, young women are free to express themselves and are able to trust that their voice is being heard, if not prioritized. As a result, graduates from all girls schools are more likely to pursue STEM majors in college and beyond.

Students at all girls schools like St. Agnes Academy are taught that women are inherently capable, smart, and worthy, which is why 75% of students at all girls schools believe that women can do and accomplish anything.

Learn More About What St. Agnes Can Offer Your Family

The benefits of a single-gender Catholic education are many and varied. At St. Agnes Academy, our students have access to tailor-made curriculum offerings, far-ranging extracurricular opportunities, and additional support resources that can help set them up for long-term success. 

Our small class sizes and 10:1 student/teacher ratio allow our students to benefit from close mentorships with faculty members and support staff. If you are looking to enroll your daughter in a faith-centered academic environment that will help her excel academically, socially, and professionally, visit our website to learn more about enrollment.

Discover what sets St. Agnes Academy apart from other public and private schools as an all girl Catholic school committed to developing the entire person.